Hey Inspirits, this is just an update on our fan projects. One Great Step is just around the corner and we can gladly announce we have reached our target for our projects and were able to buy glowsticks and print banners for everyone! :) A big thank you to everyone who donated, we couldn't have done it without you! ♥ At the moment this is where our projects stand:
Fan action banner during
Going To You:
We have ordered 2500 banners saying 'Always Going To Infinite' in Korean, which we will hold up during the song 'Going To You'. Banners will be given out in the queue before the concert throughout the whole day up until doors opening. Banners may be given out inside the concert venue too. As for those who cannot collect the banner or want to print your own banner, you can download it below. The banner size is 10.5cm x 29.7cm (half of A4 long).
Light Stick/Glowstick Sea:
We have ordered 2000 thin, yellow glowstick bracelets in order to create a pearl metal sea for our boys. The glowsticks will also be given out before the doors open, so make sure you get one!
Global Kissbook:
the Global Kissbook will not be passed onto London as it could not be
sent and delivered on time for the 27th. The book will directly be
passed onto Paris instead. However, we have arranged for London to still be apart of the project. Instead we will provide a note pad where people can kiss and leave messages, which will be sent to France who will add it to the book. Lipstick will be provided, but we advise you bring your own!
Global Video:
with the help of Infinite CHING-GYU is planning to do a surprise video project
for INFINITE during OGS in Dubai. This video will be a ‘Thank You’ video from
Inspirits all over the world to INFINITE where we thank them for the World Tour
and their hard work. The video will consist of video footages of Inspirits who
attended OGS in their respective country and they’ll thank INFINITE and tell
them how much they love them. This project is one of the biggest projects to
have ever been attempted by a fandom because it requires the unity of many
fanbases from different countries.” - http://infinitechinggyu.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/announcement-inspirits-global-project-info/
Note: The filming for the video will take place roughly at 2PM GMT outside the venue in the queue.
5. Infinite Logo Hand Symbol:
Additionally, we have added an extra project, which requires nothing, but your hands. During the song 'With' we would like you or joint with a friend to create an Infinite logo with your hands, like shown in the image below.
6. Dongwoo's Birthday:
As we have some donations leftover, we have decided to spend it on a gift for Dongwoo's Birthday as you know Dongwoo turned 23 (24 Korean Age) on 22nd November! Also we plan to sing Happy Birthday to Dongwoo after the first talk/ment, we hope you all join in and sing along! Infinite Spain have also organised to sing Happy Birthday to Dongwoo and so please join them too. We will be singing to him after the first talk, and then at their encore. Thanks!
We hope all the projects will be a success with the help of everyone to make it a memorable night for both Inspirits and Infinite!
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